
Fiber is the components of plant cell walls and the undigestible
carbohydrates residues, except lignin which is a non carbohydrate
polymer. There are several types of fiber: water soluble (e.g.,
pectin, gums, mucilages) found in fruits; and water insoluble (e.g.,
cellulose, hemicelluloses) found in wheat bran.
Supplement Forms:
- Pill form-can swell 7 times the original size in 1 minute
after contact with water
- Fiber-filled gelatin capsules-begin to swell 6 minutes after
contact with water
- Best sources of water-soluble fibers for non-laxative
psyllium, guar gum, glucomannan, gum karaya, and pectin
Foods Containing Fiber:
- Fruits:
Apple with skin-medium (3.5 gm.)
Banana-medium (1/4 gm.)
Blueberries-1/2 cup (1.8 gm.)
Cherries-10 (1.2 gm.)
Figs-5 (8.6 gm.)
Orange-medium (2.6 gm.)
Peach-medium (2.8 gm.)
Pear-medium (5.2 gm.)
Prunes dried-3 (1.9 gm.)
Raisins-1/4 cup (2.0 gm.)
Raspberries-1/2 cup (3.0 gm.)
- Vegetables:
Acorn squash-1/2 cup (1.7 gm.)
Asparagus-1/2 cup (1.0 gm.)
Avocado-medium (4.6 gm.)
Bean sprouts-1/2 cup (1.5 gm.)
Broccoli-1/2 cup (2.3 gm.)
Brussels sprouts-1/2 cup (3.4 gm.)
Cabbage-1/2 cup (1/4 gm.)
Carrot-medium (2.3 gm.)
Cauliflower raw-1/2 cup (1.4 gm.)
Celery stalk-medium (0.7 gm.)
Corn-1/2 cup (3.0 gm.)
Green beans-1/2 cup (1.1 gm.)
Green pepper raw-1/2 cup (0.5 gm.)
Cucumber raw-1/2 cup (0.4 gm.)
Lettuce raw-10 leaves (2.0 gm.)
Mushrooms raw-1/2 cup (0.6 gm.)
Onions raw-1/2 cup (0.9 gm.)
Potato baked-medium (3.9 gm.)
Rice brown-1/2 cup (1.6 gm.)
Rice white-1/2 cup (0.8 gm.)
Spinach raw-1/2 cup (0.6 gm.)
Sweet potato-medium (3.9 gm.)
Tomato raw-medium (1.5 gm.)
Zucchini-1/2 cup (1.8 gm.)
- Legumes:
Beans, baked-1/2 cup (8.8 gm.)
Dried peas-1/2 cup (4.7 gm.)
Lentils-1/2 cup (3.7 gm.)
Lima beans-1/2 cup (6.5 gm.)
Kidney beans-1/2 cup (7.3 gm.)
Navy beans-1/2 cup (6.0 gm.)
- Cereals:
All Bran regular-1/2 cup (12.7 gm.)
All Bran extra fiber-1/2 cup (13.0 gm.)
Bran Flakes-3/4 cup (3.0 gm.)
Bran Chex - 2/3 cup (4.6 gm.)
Corn Bran-2/3 cup (5.4 gm.)
Cracklin' Oat Bran-1/2 cup (4.0 gm.)
Grape Nuts-1/2 cup (4.0 gm.)
Fiber-One-1/2 cup (12.0 gm.)
Quaker Oats uncooked-1/2 cup (4.5 gm.)
Raisin Bran-2/3 cup (4.0 gm.)
Shredded Wheat-2/3 cup (2.6 gm.)
Wheat germ-3 Tablespoons (3.0 gm.)
100% Bran-1/2 cup (8.4 gm.)
Clinical Indications:
- Atherosclerosis
- Candidiasis
- Cholelithiasis
- Chronic fatigue
- Congestive heart failure
- Crohn's disease
- Diabetes mellitus
- Dysmenorrhea
- Eczema
- Endometriosis
- Fibrocystic breast
- Gout
- Headaches
- Hemorrhoids
- Hypertension
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Menopause
- Multiple sclerosis
- Obesity
- Peptic ulcers
- Psoriasis
- Ulcerative colitis
- Uterine fibroids
- Appendicitis
- Autoimmune disorders
- Colon cancer
- Constipation
- Deep-vein thrombosis
- Dental caries
- Diverticulitis
- Pernicious anemia
- Pulmonary embolism
- Renal lithiasis
- Skin disorders
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Varicose veins
Physiologic therapeutics:
- Binds to bile acids, causing a decrease in blood
- Can cause constipation if initial dose is too large or
insufficient water at the time the fiber supplement is taken
- Decreases gastric emptying resulting in better digestion and
- Decreases hyperglycemic response
- Decreases transit time
- Increases intestional bacterial flora
- Increases pancreatic secretion
- Increases satiety
Drug/Nutrient Interaction:
- May interfere with absorption of certain drugs and minerals -
take fiber supplements hours away from medications
Adverse Reactions and Toxicity:
- Fiber supplements in pill form are contraindicated in
disorders of the esophagus
- Sudden increase in dietary fiber can cause flatulence and
abdominal pain/discomfort
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