Below are supplemental abstracts and references of research that support the conclusions on the treatment for Headaches

. Diet and Nutrition References


Borok G. "Eczema and foods." SAMJ. February 2003;93(2):118-119.

Savi L, et al. "Food and headache attacks: a comparison of patients with migraine and tension-type headache." Panminerva Med. 2002;44:27-31.

Joneja JMV, Carmona-Silva C. "Outcome of a histamine-restricted diet based on chart audit." J Nutr Environ Med. 2001;11:249-262.

Sicherer SH. "Manifestations of food allergy: evaluation and management." Am Fam Physician. January15,1999;59(2):415-424.

Borok G, Guldenpfennig WM. "Migraine: treatment by personalized elimination programme." Abstract, Neurology Congress. March,1994.

Brown M, et al. "Food allergy in polysymptomatic patients." Practitioner. November,1981;225:1651-1654.

Grant ECG. "Food allergies and migraine." Lancet. May5,1979;966-969.

Dietary Amines

Wantke F, et al. "Histamine-free diet: treatment of choice for histamine-induced food intolerance and supporting treatment for chronical headaches." Clin and Exper Aller. 1993;23:982-985.


Gibb CM, et al. "Chocolate is a migraine-provoking agent." Cephalalgia. 1991;11:93-95.

Food Additives

Madsen C. "Prevalence of food additive intolerance." Hum Exper Toxic. 1994;13:393-399.

Low-Fat Diet

Bates B. "Low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet averts migraines." Fam Pract News. August1,1996;16.

Aspartame (Nutrasweet)

"Study raises possibility of a NutraSweet link to surge in brain tumors since the 1980s." Nutr Week. November 22, 1996;26(44):1,6.

Van Den Eeden SK, et al. "Aspartame ingestion and headaches: a randomized, crossover trial." Neurol. October1994;44:1787-1793.

Complex Carbohydrates

Werbach MR. Nutritional Influences on Illness: A Sourcebook of Clinical Research, 2 ed. Third Line Press; Tarzana, CA; 1993:303.

Vitamin and Mineral References

Vitamin B2

Breen C, et al. "High-dose riboflavin for prophylaxis of migraine." Can Fam Physician. October,2003;49:1291-1293.

Schoenen J, et al. "Effectiveness of high-dose riboflavin in migraine prophylaxis: a randomized controlled trial." Neurol. 1998;50:466-470.

Schoenen J, et al. "High-dose riboflavin as a prophylactic treatment of migraine: results of an open pilot study." Cephalalgia. 1994;14:328-329.

Vitamin B6

Murry M, et al. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, 2nd ed. Prima Publishing; Rockland, CA; 1998:499.

Brush MG, Perry M. "Pyridoxine and the premenstrual syndrome." Lancet. June15,1985;1399.

Vitamin C

Wiersum J. "Vitamins for migraine, Meniere's." Cortlandt Forum. February,1991;97.

Vitamin E

Wolf AM, Wolf AMD. "The role of vitamins and minerals in migraine headache, cardiovascular disease, cancer." Hosp Med. April,1999;12,15,27.

Balch JF, et al. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 2nd ed. Avery Publishing Group; NY, NY; 1997:196.

Niacinamide and Niacin

Prousky JE, Sykes E. "Two case reports on the treatment of acute migraine with niacin: its hypothetical mechanism of action upon calcitonin-gene related peptide and platelets." J Orthomol Med. 2003;18(2):108-110.

Black M. "Nicotinic acid and headache." Cortlandt Forum. August,1990;30-26.

Hall JA. "Enhancing niacin's effect for migraine." Cortlandt Forum. July,1991;46:47-7.


Marcus JC, et al. "Serum ionized magnesium in post-traumatic headaches." J Pediatr. September,2001;139(3):459-462.

Demirkaya S, et al. "Efficacy of intravenous magnesium sulfate in the treatment of acute migraine attacks." Headache. 2001;41:171-177.

Swain R, Kaplan-Machlis B. "Magnesium for the next millennium." South Med J. November,1999;92(11):1040-1047.

Schuck P, et al. "Migraine and migraine prophylaxis: is there a role for magnesium?" Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1999;129:63-70.

Mauskop A, Altura BM. "Magnesium for migraine: rationale for use and therapeutic potential." CNS Drugs. March,1998;9(3):185-190.

Peikert A, et al. "Prophylaxis of migraine with oral magnesium: results from a prospective, multi-center, placebo-controlled and double-blind randomized study." Cephalalgia. 1996;16:257-63.

Mauskop A, et al. "Intravenous magnesium sulfate relieves migraine attacks in patients with low serum ionized magnesium levels: a pilot study." Clin Sci. 1995;89:633-636.

Kahn J. "Low ionized magnesium linked to migraine headaches." Med Trib. May18,1995;7.


Thys-Jacobs S. "Vitamin D and calcium in menstrual migraine." Headache. October,1994;34(9):544-546.

Supplement References

Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Wagner W, Nootbaar-Wagner U. "Prophylactic treatment of migraine with gamma-linolenic and alpha-linolenic acids." Cephalalgia. 1997;17:127-130.

McCarren T, et al. "Amelioration of severe migraine by fish oil (omega-3) fatty acids." Am J Clin Nutr. 1985;41:874(Abstract A).


Rozen TD. "Melatonin as treatment for idiopathic stabbing headache." Neurol. September,2003;61(2 of 2):865-866.

Peres MFP, Rozen TD. "Melatonin in the preventive treatment of chronic cluster headache." Cephalalgia. 2001;21:993-995.

Leone M, et al. "Melatonin versus placebo in the prophylaxis of cluster headache: a double-blind pilot study with parallel groups." Cephalalgia. 1996;16:494-496.

Leone M, Bussone G. "Melatonin in cluster headache: rationale for use and possible therapeutic potential." CNS Drugs. January,1998;9(1):7-16.


Ribeiro CAF. "L-5-hydroxytryptophan in the prophylaxis of chronic tension-type headache: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study." Headache. June,2000;40:451-456.

Kangasniemi P, et al. "Levotryptophan treatment in migraine." Headache. July,1978;18:161-166.

Poloni M, et al. "Cerebrospinal fluid 5- hydroxyindoleacetic acid level in migrainous patients during spontaneous attacks, during headache-free periods and following treatment with L- tryptophan." Experientia. 1974;30(6):640-641.

Botanical References

Passiflora incarnata, Corydalis bulbosa, Valerian officinalis, Filipendula ulmaria, Piscidia piscipula

Mitchell WA. Plant Medicine. Preparatory Manuscript; Seattle, WA; 2000.

Tilgner S. Herbal Medicine-From the Heart of the Earth. Wise Acres Press, Inc.; Creswell, OR; 1999.

Ogletree RL, Rischer RG. Physician's and Pharmacist's Guide to the Top 10 Scientifically Proven Natural Products. Natural Source Digest; 2nd Ed. Brandon, MS; 1997.

Chevallier A. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. DK Publishing; New York, NY; 1996.

Murray MT. The Healing Power of Herbs. 2nd Ed. Prima Publishing; Rocklin, CA; 1995.

Ellingwood F. American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy; Botanical Vol. II. Eclectic Medical Publications; Sandy, OR; 1994.

Felter HW. The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Botanical Vol. 1. Eclectic Medical Publications; Sandy, OR; 1994.

Scalzo R. Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas. 3rd Ed. Kivaki Press; Durango, CO; 1994.

Ody P. The Complete Medicinal Herbal. Dorling Kindersley; New York, NY; 1993.

Stansbury JE. Botanical Medicines Acting on the Respiratory System. Preparatory Manuscript; Battleground, WA; 1992.

Stansbury JE. Pharmacognosy for the Herbal Practitioner. Preparatory Manuscript; Battleground, WA; 1992.

Thomas L. 10 Essential Herbs. Hohm Press; Prescott, AZ; 1992.

Weiss RF. Herbal Medicine. Beaconsfield Publishers LTD; Beaconsfield, England; 1991.

Hoffman D. The New Holistic Herbal. Element Inc; Rockport, MA; 1991.

Mabey R, et al. The New Age Herbalist. Collier Books, Macmillan Publishing Company; New York, NY; 1988. England;1988.

Tyler VE, et al. Pharmacognosy. 9th Ed. Lea & Febiger; Philadelphia, PA; 1988.

Wren RC. Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations. The C.W. Daniel Company Limited; Essex; 1988

Carr A, et al. Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs. Rodale Press; Emmaus, PA; 1987.

Mowrey DB. The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine. Keats Publishing, Inc.; New Canaan, CT; 1986.

Beyer P. The Master Book of Herbalism. Phoenix Publishing; Custer, WA; 1984.

Goodenough J. Dr. Goodenough's Home Cures & Herbal Remedies. Avenel Books; New York, NY; 1982.

Millspaugh CF. American Medicinal Plants. Dover Publications, Inc.; New York, NY; 1974.

Grieve M. A Modern Herbal. Vol. I & II; Dover Publications, Inc.; New York, NY; 1971.

Homeopathy References

Morrison R.Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms.Hahnemann Clinic Publishing; Albany, CA; 1993.

Murphy R.Homeopathic Medical Repertory.Hahnemann Academy of North America; Pagosa Springs, CO; 1993.

Phatak SR. A Concise Repertory of Homoeopathic Medicines. B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; New Delhi, India; 1992.

Kruzel T. The Homeopathic Emergency Guide.North Atlantic Books; Berkeley, CA; 1992.

Kent JT. Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.B. Jain Publishers (P) LTD; New Delhi, India; 1991.

Boericke W. Materia Medica with Repertory, 9th Ed..Boericke & Tafel, Inc.; Santa Rosa, CA; 1927.

Walach H, et al. "The long-term effects of homeopathic treatment of chronic headaches: 1 year follow-up." Cephalagia. 2000;20:835-837.

Other Treatment References

Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Boyle W. Saine A. Lectures in Naturopathic Hydrotherapy. Buckeye Naturopathic Press; East Palestine, OH; 1988:143.

Thrash, A, Thrash C. Home Remedies. Thrash Publications; Seale, AL; 1981:113.


Koseoglu E, et al. "Aerobic exercise and plasma beta endorphin levels in patients with migrainous headache without aura." Cephalalgia. 2003;23:972-976.

Jull G, et al. "A randomized controlled trial of exercise and manipulative therapy for cervicogenic headache." Spine. 2002;27(17):1835-1843.

Boschert S. "Exercise cuts tension headache frequency in half." Fam Prac News. March15,2001:14.

Neususs K, et al. "Physical activity and fitness in patients with headache disorders." Intl J Sports Med. 1997;8:607-611.


Allen KD. "Using biofeedback to make childhood headaches less of a pain." Pediatr Ann. April 2004;33(4):241-245.

Power SW, et al. "A pilot study of one-session biofeedback training in pediatric headache." Neurology. January,2001;56(1 of 2):133.

Bussone G, et al. "Biofeedback-assisted relaxation training for young adolescents with tension-type headache: a controlled study." Cephalalgia. 1998;18:463-467.

Burke EJ, Andrasik F. "Home- vs. clinic-based biofeedback treatment for pediatric migraine: results of treatment through one-year follow-up." Headache. 1989;29:434-440.


Melchart D, et al. "Acupuncture for recurrent headaches: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials." Cephalalgia. 1999;19:779-786.

Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).