
Garlic-Epsom Salt Enema:
- Ingredients:
3 cloves of chopped garlic in 2 quarts of water
Simmer for 5 minutes
Add 2 Tbl. Epsom salt
When cool, pour into bag
Add extra water to fill bag and correct temperature
Use warm, not hot water
Very purging
Use no more than twice during a fast
Coffee Enema:
- Ingredients:
Regular ground coffee, not instant
4 Tbl. coffee to 2 quarts of hot water
Brew in coffee maker/pot
When cool, pour into bag
Clinical Indications:
Salt and Soda Enema:
- Ingredients:
1 Tbl. sea salt
1 Tbl. baking soda
2 quarts water
Mae West Enema:
- Ingredients:
To the coffee enema, add:
1 Tbl. sea salt
1 Tbl. baking soda
Add enough water to coffee enema to make 2 quarts
Wheat Grass Enema:
- Ingredients:
1-2 oz. fresh wheat grass juice
2 quarts water
Can substitute green juice or chlorophyll for wheat grass
Lactobacillis Acidophilus Enema:
- Ingredients:
2 Tbl. yogurt or
4 - 5 caps dry acidophilus or
1/8 tsp. powdered acidophilus
2 quarts water
Clinical Indications:
Vinegar Enema:
- Ingredients:
2 Tbl. white vinegar
2 quarts warm water
- Fill enema bag
- Hook about 4 feet above floor (on towel rack)
- Knee-chest position with chest against floor and rectum higher
than head
- Insert nozzle tip into rectum, using lubricant if needed
- Empty water into rectum, and hold inside rectum as much as
- Massage abdomen in counter-clockwise direction
- When bag is empty or no more fluid can be held, remove
- Lie on each side for 5 minutes, while massaging abdomen
- Discard contents of rectum into toilet
- Repeat until bag is empty
Copyright 1998 - 2005 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).