Migraine Headache

Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Eliminate foods that cause an allergic response or to which
there is a sensitivity (fast, use an elimination diet, or allergy
test to isolate such foods). Most common allergens, in order of likelihood, are:
Dairy Products
Cane sugar
- Avoid dietary amines - chocolate, citrus, red wines, aged cheeses, fermented sausages, beer, pickled products, bananas, figs, prunes, pineapples, raisins and sour cream
- Avoid arachidonic acid-containing foods - meats and meat products
- Avoid nitrate and nitrite foods - hot dogs, cured meats
- Avoid copper foods - chocolate, nuts, wheat germ, shellfish, citrus (citrus increases the intestinal absorption of copper) and monosodium glutamate (MSG binds and transport copper between blood and tissues
- Eliminate sugar, refined carbohydrates, caffeine and aspartame
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids: 2 - 4
gm. in divided doses with food
- 5-Hydroxytryptophan: 100 - 300 mg. TID
(Note: in rare circumstances, tryptophan has been found to be detrimental to headache sufferers)
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
- Migraine, general:
acon, AGAR, anac, ANT-C, apis, arg-m, arn, ars, ASAF, asar, aur, bell, BRY, cact, calad, calc, calc-p, caust, cedr, cham, chel, CHIN, cic, cinic, cina, cocc, COFF, coloc, eurp-per, GELS, glon, graph, IGN, IP, IRIS, kali-bi, kalipp, lac-c, lach, lyc, NAT-M, nat-s, NUX-V, PHOS, PULS, SANG, sep, SIL, stram, sulph, tab, tarent, ther, THUJ, valer, ZINC
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here.)
- Migraine IV therapy
- Tonic IV therapy
- Migraine IV push therapy
- Test for environmental allergens, heavy metal toxicity and hypoglycemia
- Normalize sleep patterns, i.e., normal start and duration
- Get regular exercise
- Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to be beneficial in some cases
- Enermed therapy (magnets)
Recommended Labs:
- Check for migraine: MIDAS
- Rule out allergies: IgG Food Allergy Antibody, IgG and IgE Inhalent Allergy Antibody
- Rule out brain tumor and other malignancies: PET Scan, MRI
- Rule out congestive heart failure: ECG, Exercise Stress, B-Type Natriuretic Peptide, Multiple-Gated Acqusition Scanning, Angiogram
- Rule out dental disorders: Dental Exam
- Rule out diabetic acidosis: Oral Glucose Tolerance, Urine Ketone Dip
- Rule out drug side effects: Drug Reference Information Analysis
- Rule out heavy metal poisoning: Hair Analysis
- Rule out herpes zoster: Viral Culture of Skin Lesion, Tzanck, CBC with Diff
- Rule out hyperparathyroidism: PTH
- Rule out hypertension: Sphygomanometry
- Rule out ocular disorders: Ophthalmic Exam
- Rule out osteomyelitis: MRI, Bone Scan, X-Ray, CBC with Diff
- Rule out otitis media: Otoscopic Exam
- Rule out rheumatoid arthritis: Latex, ESR
- Rule out sinusitis: Nasopharyngeal Culture, Paranasal Sinus X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT Scan, MRI, Illumination, Percussion
- Rule out thyroid disorder: Thyroid Panel with TSH
- Rule out TMJ syndrome: Physical Exam
- Rule out tuberculosis: PPD Skin
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).