Sitz Bath (Sitting Bath or Hip Bath)

Patient sits with lower abdomen and pelvis immersed in water.
Hot bath:
Cold bath:
Neutral bath:
- Cystitis - acute
- Pruritis ani
- Pruritis vulvae
- Mental or sexual excitement
Alternating hot and cold baths:
Action Mechanism:
- Pelvic and abdominal organs receive reflexive effects from
spinal cord
- Direct effects according to the water temperature and duration
of bath (e.g., hot - relaxing; cold - tonifying; neutral -
- Derivation from the head and lungs
- Hot foot bath minimizes the possibility of congestion via the
derivative effects
- Washtub or sitz tub
- Foot tub
- Bath thermometer
- Towels
- Sheet/blanket to cover patient if necessary
- Hot water
- Cold water
- Washcloths
- Place towel on bottom of tub and drape towels over the front
and back of the tub to protect patient's buttocks, back, and
popliteal area
- Fill sitz and foot tubs with water of appropriate temperature
and amounts as indicated below:
Hot bath:
- Amount: 1/2 " above navel
- Temperature: 106 - 110 F (41 - 43 C)
- Foot bath: 110 - 112 F (43 - 45 C)
- Duration: 3 - 8 minutes
Cold bath:
- Amount: 1/2" below navel
- Temperature: 55 - 75 F (12 - 24 C)
- Foot bath: 105 - 110 F (40 - 43 C)
- Duration: 3 - 8 minutes
Neutral bath:
- Amount: to navel
- Temperature: 92 - 97 F (33 - 36 C)
- Foot bath: --
- Duration: 1/2 - 2 hours
Alternating hot and cold bath:
- 2-5 minutes hot
- 20-60 seconds cold
- Carefully assist the patient in and out of the bath
- Cover patient with sheet and/or blanket if desired by
- For the hot sitz bath: apply cold compresses to forehead and
back of neck
- Finish hot sitz by pouring cold water over all parts bathed in
hot water
- Start alternating sitz with hot and end with cold
- Finish hot foot bath with cold effusion to feet
- Rest patient for at least 30 minutes after bath
- Inability to move with safety and ease (e.g. debility,
- Hot foot bath is contraindicated in peripheral vascular
- Hot:
Atonic conditions i.e. prolapsus
Pelvic congestion
- Cold:
Acute lung congestion
Heart problems
Acute inflammation
Painful conditions
- Alternating:
See listings under hot and cold
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).