
Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Eliminate foods that cause an allergic response or to which
there is a sensitivity (fast, use an elimination diet, or allergy
test to isolate such foods)
- Avoid sugar, refined foods, nuts, peanuts, caffeine, and all
food additives and preservatives
- Eat lots of blueberries, blackberries, and cherries for their anthocyanidin content
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Bromelain: 2500 mg. TID
between meals
- Quercetin: 250 mg. TID
between meals
- Melatonin: 3 mg. at 9
- 5-Hydroxytryptophan:
begin with 50 mg. TID, increase up to 200 mg. TID if
necessary (Note: approximately 1-3% of oral tryptophan enters the brain compared to 70% of oral 5-HTP)
- L-Carnitine: 3 gm.
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
- Aching pain in muscles:
achy, acon, alet, am-caust, ant-t, ARN, ars, aster, bell, brach, bry, calc, calc-p, carb-s, caust, cimic, colch, dulc, eup-per, ferr-p, GELS, harp, hist, ign, lat-m, LAC-AC, led, lyc, mag-s, man, merc, merc-c, morph, nat-f, nat-m, op, phyt, plb, ptel, puls, pyrog, ran-b, rauw, rham-cath, rhus-t, ruta, sal-ac, sil, staph, stram, stry, sulfa, tab, tarax, thal, thuj, valer, verat, verat-v, zinc
- Aching neck pain extending to the shoulders:
- Myositis:
arn, bell, bry, calc, ham, hep, kali-i, merc, mez, rhus-t, ruta
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here.)
- Tonic IV
- Hot sitz baths (end
with cold)
- Structural massage is very important - to break up adhesions
- Stretching and ROM (range of motion) exercises for affected
- Aerobic exercise on a regular basis
- Avoid even low levels of exposure to toxic chemicals
- Fasting (water-only) has been beneficial in some cases
- Acupuncture is often very beneficial
Recommended Labs:
- Rule out allergies: IgG Food Allergy Antibody, IgG and IgE Inhalent Allergy Antibody
- Rule out anemia: CBC with Diff
- Rule out autoimmune disorders: ANA with Reflex
- Rule out candidiasis: Candida Panel
- Rule out diabetes: Fasting Glucose, Fructosamine, Hemoglobin A1c
- Rule out Epstein Barr infection: EBV Capsid IgG and IgM
- Rule out heavy metal poisoning: Hair Analysis
- Rule out hepatitis B and C: Hepatitis Panel
- Rule out HIV: ELISA, Western Blot
- Rule out Lyme Disease: Western Blot
- Rule out occult malignancies: Antimalignant Antibody
- Rule out osteoarthritis: X-Ray
- Rule out rheumatoid arthritis: ANA, Rheumatoid Factor
- Rule out thyroid disorder: Thyroid Panel with TSH
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).