Asthma IV Treatment *

- Administer 2-3 times a week for 6-8 weeks.
- Follow IV treatment with oral molybdenum 1-3 gms. a day.
- Monitor urinary sulfite and/or inorganic/organic sulfate.
- Taper molybdenum dose with improvement.
- Monitor RBC copper levels with long-term molybdenum administration.
Asthma Spasmolytic IV Treatment
- In 250 cc 1/2 normal saline run over 1-2 hours
- Slow down if magnesium is "over heating."
* The amounts of the vitamins, minerals and other substances used in this IV therapy will vary according to each manufacturer's specific osmolarity.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).