- RDA:
150 mcg./day for adults
175 mcg./day for pregnant women
200 mcg./day for lactating women
Daily Optimal Intake:
Supplement Forms:
- Aqueous iodine
- Caseinated iodine (iodaminol)
- Elemental diatomic or molecular iodine
- Iodinated salt
- Lugol's Solution (sodium iodide)
- SSKI (saturated solution of potassium iodine)
Food Sources:
- Seafoods:
Freshwater fish
Saltwater fish
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency:
- Cretinism
- Goiter
- Hypothyroidism
Causes of Deficiency:
- Decreased intake
- High intake of brassica family: cabbage, peanuts, kale,
soybeans, mustard seed, turnips, rapeseeds, cassava
Adverse Reactions and Toxicity:
- Reports of 20 - 30 mg./day can inhibit thyroid function, other
reports say >300 mg./day
- Signs of toxicity: dermatitis, depression, aggravation of
acne, nausea, headaches, excessive secretions
Drug/Nutrient Interaction:
- Reduces the estrogen quotient converting estrone and estradiol
to estriol in the liver
Biochemical Functions:
- Decreased iodine levels are associated with risk of breast,
ovarian, and endometrial cancers
- Essential for thyroid hormone synthesis
Clinical Indications:
- Asthma: use as a mucolytic
agent and expectorant
- Atherosclerosis
- Bronchitis: use as a
mucolytic agent and expectorant
- Fibrocystic breast
disease: paint the cervix with iodine
- Multiple sclerosis
- Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal: use with immune
suppressed patients
- Consider with: breast, ovarian, and endometrial cancers
- Dupuytren's contracture: topically with arnica oil and
- Estrogen metabolism
- Goiter: large chronic goiter may require thyroid hormones;
less chronic: 300 - 600 mcg./day
- Hyperthyroidism: 300 - 900 mcg./day
- Keloid: topically with arnica oil and DMSO
- Lymphatic stasis: use both orally and topically to soften
- Peyronie's disease: topically with arnica oil and DMSO
- Salivary duct stone dissolution: SSKI 7 - 10 drops TID for 1 -
2 weeks
- Sarcoidosis
- Sebaceous cysts: use both orally and topically to soften
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).