
Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Eliminate foods and preservatives (especially sulfites) that cause an allergic response or to which
there is a sensitivity (fast, use an elimination diet, or allergy
test to isolate such foods). Generally, the younger an asthma
patient, the more the allergen will be food. The older a patient,
the more the allergen will be to inhalants.
- Consider a cleansing diet to lower body toxicity levels since accumulated toxins are often a precursor to asthma attacks
- Many people, especially children, should avoid sulfites and aspirin due to a common defect in sulfur metabolism
- Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates
- Decrease consumption of foods with arachidonic acid (red meat
and dairy products)
- Consume more: EPA and linolenic
acid sources (flax oil, canola oil, walnuts, cold water fish,
herring, sardines, salmon)
- Eat lots of onions
- Caffeine, tea and other substances containing methyl-xanthines can increase bronchodilation during asthmatic episodes
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
Asthma, anger, after:
ars, carc, CHAM, ign, nux-v, staph
Asthma, anxiety, with:
Asthma, bronchial catarrh, with:
acon, ANT-T, ars, BLATTA, blatt-a, bry, calad, caps, cupr-ac, erio, eucal, grin, ip, kali-i, lob, nat-s, onis, sabal, sulph
Asthma, in children:
acon, ambr, ANT-T, ARS, calc, CARC, CHAM, IP, kali-br, kali-i, KALI-N, KALI-S, lob, MED, mosch, NAT-S, nux-v, psor, PHOS, PULS, SAMB, sanic, sil, stram, sulph, thuj, TUB, vib
Asthma, cold air agg:
acon. lob, nux-v, petr, rumx
Asthma, cold air amel:
Asthma, after coughing:
Asthma, agg by dry weather:
Asthma, after eating:
Asthma, from inhaling dust:
blatta, brom, ictod, ip, kali-c, pot-a, sil
Asthma, after emotions:
acon, ambr, ARS, carc, cham, coff, cupr, gels, IGN, nux-v, pall, verat
Asthma, after exertion:
Asthma, after excitement:
acon, ambr, aml-n, asaf, carc, cham, chin-s, coff, cupr, grin, hydrc, ip, kali-p, lob, mosch, nux-m, nux-v, phos, sumb, tela, thymu, valer, verat
Asthma, after fright:
Asthma, heat, agg:
Asthma, humid:
acon, ars, bry, cann-i, coch, cupr, dulc, eucal, euph-pi, grin, hyper, iod, kali-bi, NAT-S, sabal, seneg, stann, sulph, thuj
Asthma, hysterical:
ambr, cocc, ign, lob, MOSCH, NUX-M, nux-v, phos, PULS, stann, stram, sulph
Asthma, laughing, agg:
Asthma, from moldy environment:
Asthma, sleep, coming on during:
acon, ars, carb-v, hep, kali-c, lach, meph, nat-s, op, sep, sulph
Asthma, vaccination, after:
Asthma, weather, change of, agg:
carc, DULC, NAT-S, sil, thuj
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here.)
- Abnormal sulfur
metabolism IV therapy: use during attack
- *Asthma IV therapy
- *Tonic
IV therapy
- *Hydrogen peroxide bath: fill tub with water at 98-100 degrees;
add 13-16 ounces of hydrogen peroxide and soak; rest after
- Strengthen intestinal mucosa, i.e., repair leaky gut
- Avoid antibiotics, especially in the first few years of life
- Avoid chemical exposure, e.g., hair dressing salons
- Regular exercise is often beneficial (unless the asthma is exercise-induced)
- Avoid living near high levels of automobile and truck traffic and other forms of pollution
- Stop smoking and avoid exposure to second-hand smoke
- Avoid living in damp surroundings
- Obese asthmatic children should lose weight
Recommended Labs:
- Check for asthma: Pulmonary Function, Sputum for Eosinophils
- Rule out allergies: IgG Food Allergy Antibody, IgG and IgE Inhalent Allergy Antibody
- Rule out hypothyroidism: Thyroid Panel with TSH
- Rule out lung cancer: Chest X-Ray
- Rule out tuberculosis: PPD Skin, QuantiFERON-TB
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).