Multiple Sclerosis

Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Eat very low fat diet - 12% of total calories
- Eat very low saturated fats
- Decrease gluten (wheat) and milk products
- Eliminate foods that cause an allergic response or to which
there is a sensitivity (fast, use an elimination diet, or allergy
test to isolate such foods)
- Increase omega-3 and omega-6 fatty
vegetables, nuts, seed oils, salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines,
walnuts, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, black currant
- No sugar or refined carbohydrates
- Eliminate foods containing trans-fatty acids, hydrogenated
oils (margarine, vegetable shortenings, imitation butter spreads,
most commercial peanut butters), oxidized fats (deep fried foods,
fast food, ghee, barbecued meats)
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
- General multiple sclerosis:
Agar., Alumina, Arg-N., Asar., Calc., Caust., Cocc., Con., Cur.,
Gels., Kali-P., Lath., Nat-C., Nat-M., Nux-V., Phos., Plb., Sel.,
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here.)
- MS IV therapy
- Constitutional
hydrotherapy: 3 / week
- Cold baths to prevent muscular atrophy
- Cold (50° F) immersion of spastic extremity for 10
minutes followed by exercise
- Do not smoke
- Avoid repeated occupational exposure to anesthetics gases
- Avoid exposure to solvents and other forms of pollution
- Bee venom treatments have been shown to be helpful for some patients
- Treat for viral infection if detected
Recommended Labs:
- Check for multiple sclerosis: Ophthalmic Exam, MRI of Head and Spine with Gadolinium, CBC with Diff, Serum Glucose and Electrolytes, Urinalysis and Microscopy, CT Scan with Contrast
- Rule out amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): Electromyography
- Rule out Bell's Palsy: CBC with Diff, ESR, CT Scan of Face
- Rule out brain abscess: MRI, CT Scan
- Rule out Guillain-Barre Syndrome: Liver Function, Spinal Fluid Analysis, MRI with Gadolinium
- Rule out HIV: ELISA, Western Blot
- Rule out lumbar disc disorders: X-Ray, MRI, CT Scan, Scintigraphy
- Rule out Lyme Disease: Western Blot
- Rule out neck trauma: X-Ray, MRI, CT Scan
- Rule out sarcoidosis: CBC with Diff, 24-Hour Urine, Creatine Kinase, CK-MB Levels, ANA, X-Ray
- Rule out spinal cord infections: CSF Culture
- Rule out spinal cord injuries: CBC with Diff, Urinalysis, X-Ray, MRI, CT Scan
- Rule out stroke: Non-Contrast CT Scan, EEG, CBC with Diff, Coagulation Profile, Electrolyte Panel, Serum Glucose
- Rule out subdural hematoma: Non-Contrast CT Scan, EEG, CBC with Diff, Coagulation Profile, Electrolyte Panel, Serum Glucose
- Rule out syphilis: VDRL, Darkfield Microscopy, RPR, MHA-TP
- Rule out systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): CBC with Diff, Blood Chemistry, Urinalysis, CRP, ANA with Reflex, Quantitative Immunoglobulins, Tissue Biopsy
- Rule out transient ischemic attack (TIA): Blood Chemistry, Coagulation Profile, ESR, Non-Contrast CT Scan, MRI, MRA
- Rule out trigeminal neuralgia: History, MRI
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).