Aphthous Stomatitis

Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Eliminate foods that cause an allergic response or to which
there is a sensitivity, especially wheat (fast, use an elimination diet, or allergy
test to isolate such foods)
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
- General aphthous stomatitis (ulcer):
acet-ac, aeth, agar, all-s, alum, anan, ant-c, apis, arg-m, ARS, ars-i, arum-t, asim, aur, aur-m, aur-s, BAPT, berb, BOR, brom, bry, calc, anth, caps, carb-ac, carb-an, carb-s, carb-v, caul, cean, cham, chin, chin-a, chlor, cic, clem, cocc, com, cub, dig, dulc, ferr, gamb, hell, hep, hippoz, hydr, ill, iod, ip, jug-c, kali-ar, kali-bi, kali-br, kali-c, KALI-CHI, kali-i, kali-m, kali-s, kreos, lac-c, lac-d, lach, lac-ac, lyc, mag-c, MERC, MERC-C, merc-d, MUR-AC, myric, nat-a, nat-c, nat-h, NAT-M, nat-p, nit-ac, nux-m, NUX-V, ox-ac, petr, phos, phyt, plan, plb, ran-s, rhus-t, sal-ac, sanic, sars, sec, semp, sil, staph, SUL-AC, SULPH, ter, thuj, tub, vine
- Aphthous stomatitis, bleeds easily:
- Aphthous stomatitis, bloody, offensive:
- Aphthous stomatitis, bluish:
- Aphthous stomatitis, burning:
- Aphthous stomatitis, in children:
asim, bapt, BOR, bry, casc, kali-br, kali-chi, lac-ac, med, MERC, NAT-M, mur-ac, nux-m, nux-v, plan, sac-alb, SUL-AC, sulph, viol-t
- Aphthous stomatitis, in babies:
- Aphthous stomatitis, after sour, salty foor:
- Aphthous stomatitis, white:
- Aphthous stomatitis, yellowish base:
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here.)
- *Camphor oil topically
- Replace mercury amalgam fillings
- *Alum powder or baking soda topically
- Stress reduction and relaxation/imagery training
Recommended Labs:
- Rule out food allergies: IgG Food Allergy Antibody
- Rule out Helicobacter pylori: H. pylori Antibody, H. pylori Antigen, H. pylori Breath, Rapid Urease, Endoscopy with Biopsy
- Rule out pancreatic insufficiency: Lipase, Amylase
- Rule out stomach acid problems: Heidelberg
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).