Home Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Items Needed:
- 1 wet towel heated in microwave or with
hot water until just tolerated when pressed to
the wrists (not too hot to burn the person)
- 1 towel placed in cold water with
ice cubes
- bed with 1 wool blanket and 1 sheet (more blankets if
- Place 1 or more wool blankets on bed-like area, followed
by a sheet.
- The person is to lie down in the center of the sheet, nude
to the top of the pelvic bone. Add a pillow under the head if the
person would be more comfortable.
- Wrap the person in the sheet and blankets,
leaving the front exposed.
- Apply the hot towel to the person's front
from chin to pubic bone.
- Wrap the person immediately.
- Leave these hot towels on the patient for 5 minutes.
- During these 5 minutes, prepare the second towel by soaking
it in ice water.
- Wring the towel as dry as possible.
- At the end of 5 minutes, remove the hot
towel and apply the cold towel.
- Wrap securely.
- Leave for 10 minutes.
- After the 10 minutes, check the towel. If the towel has
not heated up, leave it on for another 5 minutes or until it is warm
to the touch.
- Have the person flip over onto the stomach and do the
identical procedure on the back.
- After completing both sides, allow the person to rest
quietly for 10-15 minutes.
Clincial Indications:
- Acute asthma
- Acute bladder infection
- Fear of treatment
- Malignant fever
- Patient with oral temperature less than 97 F
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).