
Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Eliminate foods that cause an allergic response or to which
there is a sensitivity (fast, use an elimination diet, or allergy
test to isolate such foods) - the most
common allergens associated with schizophrenia are: dairy products and wheat
- Eliminate caffeine
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
- General:
ANAC, anh, AUR, bell, carc, hyos, kali-bi, LACH, med, meli, STRAM, verat
- Catatonic:
clorpr, cic, convo-s, cortico, halo, rauw, reser, thala, thiop
- Paranoid:
anac, anh, ars, bell, carc, cupr, hyos, LACH, kali-bi, med, meli, nerc, plat, pib, rauw, stram, verat
- Paranoid, conspiracies, against him, there were:
anac, ars, lach, pib, puls
- Paranoid, enemy, surrounded by:
anac, carb-s, erot-h, lach, merc
- Paranoid, enemy, under the bed:
- Paranoid, enemy, wait for an, lying in:
- Paranoid, persecuted, that he is:
abrot, absin, anac, ars, aur, bell, calc, CHIN, cic, cocaine, con, crot-h, cupr, cycl, DROS, hell, hyos, IGN, kali-br, LACH, lyc, med, meli, merc, nat-c, nat-m, nux-v, op, plb, puls, rhus-t, sil, spong, staph, stram, stry, sulph, syph, thyr, verat, zinc
- Paranoid, pursued, by enemies:
absin, anac, ars, aur, bell, chin, cic, cocaine, con, crot-h, cupr, cycl, dros, hell, hyos, kali-br, lach, lepi, lyc, med, meli, merc, nat-c, nux-v, plb, puls, rhus-t, sel, stram, stry, zinc
- Paranoid, pursued, by enemies, watched, that she is being:
anac, aq-mar, ARS, bar-c, calc, hyos, lach, med, meli, rhus-t
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here.)
- Check for polysystemic candidiasis
- Check for autoimmune disorders
- Consider fasting for several days two times a year.
Recommended Labs:
- Rule out bipolar disorder: History, Physical Exam, Self Assessment for Bipolar Disorder
- Rule out brain tumor: PET Scan, MRI
- Rule out brief psychotic disorder: History, Physical Exam
- Rule out delirium: History, Physical Exam
- Rule out drugs of abuse: History, Drug Screen
- Rule out encephalitis: Lumbar Puncture with CSF Culture
- Rule out frontal brain disorder: History, Physical Exam, PET Scan, MRI
- Rule out heavy metal poisoning: Hair Analysis
- Rule out post-traumatic stress disorder: History, Physical Exam
- Rule out obsessive compulsive disorder: History, Physical Exam
- Rule out schizoaffective disorder: History, Physical Exam
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).