Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Daily Optimal Intake:
Supplement Forms:
- B-complex
- Thiamine hydrochloride
- Thiamine mononitrate
Food Sources:
- Beef kidney 3 oz. (0.43 mg.)
- Beef liver 3 oz. (0.22 mg.)
- Brewer's yeast 1 Tbl. (1.25 mg.)
- Brown rice, raw 1/4 cup (0.17 mg.)
- Chick peas, dried 1/4 cup (0.16 mg.)
- Kidney beans 1/4 cup (0.24 mg.)
- Navy beans, dried 1/4 cup (0.33 mg.)
- Rolled oats, cooked 1 cup (0.19 mg.)
- Rye flour, dark 1/4 cup (0.20 mg.)
- Soy flour 1/4 cup (0.27 mg.)
- Soybeans, dried 1/4 cup (0.58 mg.)
- Sunflower seeds 1/4 cup (0.72 mg.)
- Wheat germ, toasted 1/4 cup (0.44 mg.)
- Whole wheat flour 1/4 cup (0.17 mg.)
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency:
- Adults:
Calf muscle tenderness
Dry beriberi - worsening of polyneuritis in early stages -
difficulty walking, muscle wasting
Mental confusion
Weakness of muscles
Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome - nystagmus caused by weakness of
6th cranial nerve, irritability, disordered thinking
Wet beriberi - edema starting in the feet progressing upward
into legs, trunk, face, and eventually heart which leads to death
by heart failure
Causes of Deficiency:
- Decreased consumption, i.e. a diet exclusive of milled
non-enriched rice or wheat or raw fish
- Large amounts of alcohol
- Large amounts of tea
Adverse Effects and Toxicity:
Drug/Nutrient Interactions:
- High doses of thiamine may cause relative vitamin B6 or
magnesium deficiency
- Furosemide causes loss of thiamine through the urine
- 5-Fluorouracid prevents conversion of thiamine to thiamine pyrophosphate (TTP)
Biochemical Functions:
- Allows displacement at nerve cell membrane so that sodium ions
can freely cross
- Required for the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to form
active acetate then acetyl coenzyme A
- Serves as cofactor in reactions which transfer aldehyde groups
- in glucose, fatty acids, amino acid metabolism
Clinical Indications:
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).