
Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Increase vegetable intake
- Avoid sucrose and all simple sugars
- Use lots of tumeric
- Eliminate alcohol
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Vitamin B12: 1,000 -
3,000 mcg. daily to weekly, with folic
acid for alcoholic hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis and viral hepatitis
- Vitamin C: 1 - 3 gm. TID
- hepatitis A and serum hepatitis
- Vitamin E: 800 - 1600
I.U. for chronic hepatitis
- Zinc: 30 - 45 mg.
- Copper: 2 - 4 mg.
- Selenium: 200 - 300
mcg. - for hepatitis B, viral hepatitis
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
- Acute Hepatitis:
ACON, bell, kali-c, sulph
Chronic Hepatitis:
arn, aur, bell, carc, CARD-M, corn, crot-h, lach, LYC, mag-m, nat-c, nat-m, NAT-S, nit-ac, nux-v, PHOS, psor, ran-s, sel, sil, sulph
Hepatitis from dirty needles:
Hepatitis with jaundice:
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here.)
- Hepatitis IV therapy: 2 times a week
- Avoid acetaminophen (Tylenol) - it is very hepatotoxic
- Avoid excess iron
Recommended Labs:
- Check for Hepatitis A: HAV Panel
- Check for Hepatitis B: HBV Panel
- Check for Hepatitis C: HCV Panel
- Rule out actinomycosis: CBC with Diff, ESR, Alkaline Phosphatase, Organism Cultures
- Rule out alcoholoc liver disease: Liver Function, CBC with Diff, Liver Biopsy, Utrasound, CT Scan, MRI
- Rule out alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency: A1AT
- Rule out amebiasis: CT and MRI of Liver
- Rule out ascariasis: Stool Ova and Parasite, Abdomenal X-Ray, CBC with Diff
- Rule out autoimmune hepatitis: ANA, SMA, Anti-LKM, Liver Biopsy
- Rule out Budd-Chiari Syndrome: Prothrombin, Liver Biopsy, Utrasound, CT, MRI, Hepatic Venography
- Rule out clonorchiasis: Hybridoma Cell Agglutination, ELISA
- Rule out cirrhosis: Liver Panel, CBC with Diff, Liver Function, Prothrombin, Liver Biopsy
- Rule out Crigler-Najjar Syndrome: Bilirubin (Conjugated and Unconjugated), Transferase, Liver Panel
- Rule out cytomegalovirus: CMV Antibodies IgM and IgG
- Rule out Dubin-Johnson Syndrome: Ratio of Urinary Coproporphyrin I to Coproporphyrin III, Liver Function, Prothrombin, Hepato-Biliary Scan using Radiopharmaceutical Dyes
- Rule out echinococcosis: Hydatid Antigen Detection, Indirect Hemagglutination for Echinococcus Antibodies, Indirect Florescent Antibody, ELISA
- Rule out Epstein Barr: EBV Capsid
- Rule out fascioliasis: Eggs in Stool, Hemagglutination for Fasciolia Antibodies
- Rule out fatty liver (steatosis): CT Scan, MRI, Liver Biopsy
- Rule out Gilbert Syndrome: CBC with Diff, Lactate Dehydrogenase, Liver Function
- Rule out glycogen storage disease: Creatine Kinase, Fasting Glucose, Urinalysis, Liver Function, Biochemical Assay of Enzyme Activity
- Rule out hemochromatosis: Hemochromatosis DNA
- Rule out histoplasmosis and other fungal infections: Culture, Antigen RIA, Histoplasmosis Antibody
- Rule out Kala-azar: Direct Agglutination
- Rule out leptosporosis: Indirect Hemagglutination for Leptosporosus Antibody, Cultures of Blood and Urine and CSF, Microscopic Agglutination Test
- Rule out liver cancer: Alpha Feta Protein
- Rule out malaria: OptiMAL Assay, NOW Malaria
- Rule out primary biliary cirrhosis: Liver Function, Ultrasound, Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody, Liver Biopsy
- Rule out pyrogenic abcess: Blood Culture, Liver Function, CBC with Diff, Abdomenal CT Scan, Liver Biopsy, Ultrasound
- Rule out sarcoidosis: Kveim, CBC wtih Diff, Serum Calcium, 24-hour Urine Calcium, ACE Level
- Rule out schistosomiasis: Schistosome Eggs in Urine and/or Stool, CBS with Diff, Schistosomiasis Antibody
- Rule out sclerosing cholangitis: Cholangiography, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
- Rule out syphilis: VDRL, Darkfield Microscopy, RPR, MHA-TP
- Rule out toxocarasis: ELISA Anti-TES-Ag, IgG and IgE
- Rule out toxoplasmosis: Toxoplasmosis Blood Antibody
- Rule out tuberculosis: PPD Skin, QuantiFERON-TB
- Rule out ulcerative colitis, Crohns Disease: Colonoscopy with Biopsy
- Rule out Wilson Disease: Ceruloplasmin, Presence of Kayser-Fleischer Rings, Urinary Copper Excretion rate, Hepatic Copper Concentration using Radiolabelled Copper
- Rule out yellow fever: CBC with Diff, IgM ELISA, Polymerase Chain Reaction
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).