Cataract Prevention
Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Avoid rancid foods and all other sources of free radicals
- Eat more foods high in sulfur-containing amino acids (more
grains and legumes)
- Reduce intake of animal fats
- Avoid all dairy products
- Use lots of the spice, tumeric (curcumin)
- Reduce but do not eliminate alcohol consumption
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
- General cataract:
am-c, am-m, ant-t, apis, arn, bar-c, bell, CALC, CALC-F, calc-p, calc-s, cann-s, carb-an, CAUST, chel, chin, cine, coch, colch, con dig, euph, euphr, hep, hyos, iod, kali-c, kali-m, kali-sil, kreos, lac-c, led, lyc, MAG-C, merc, naph, nat-m, nit-ac, op, PHOS, plb, psor, puls, rhus-t, ruta, sant, sec, seneg, sep, SIL, spig, SULPH, tell, thiosin, zinc
- Left eye cataract:
- Right eye cataract:
am-c, kali-c, nit-ac, sil
- Senile cataract:
- Cataracts in women:
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here.)
- Avoid direct sunlight (UV exposure)
- Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke (cadmium
- If obese, lose weight
- Avoid the use of statin (cholesterol-lowering) drugs without also taking suitable amounts of Coenzyme Q10
- Chelate lead if high levels are detected
Recommended Labs:
- Check for cataract: Ophthalmic Exam, Visual Acuity, Pupil Dilation, Tonometry
- Rule out corneal dystrophies: Ophthalmic Exam, Visual Acuity, Pupil Dilation
- Rule out diabetic lens: Visual Acuity, Eye Exam, Urinalysis, Fasting Glucose, Fructosamine, Hemoglobin A1c
- Rule out glaucoma: Visual Acuity, Pupil Dilation, Tonometry, Air Puff, Glaucoma, Gonioscopy, Endocyanine Green Eye Dye
- Rule out macular degeneration: Visual Acuity, Ophthalmic Exam, Photograph of Retina
- Rule out macular hole: Visual Acuity, Ophthalmic Exam, Pupil Dilation
- Rule out ocular histoplasmosis syndrome: Eye Exam for Histo Spots, Amsler Grid, Pupil Dilation, Fluorescein Angiography
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).