Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Eliminate foods that cause an allergic response or to which
there is a sensitivity (fast, use an elimination diet, or allergy
test to isolate such foods)
- Reduce animal fats
- Avoid all dairy products
- Avoid tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers, and tobacco (all
in the Solanacea family of plants)
- Avoid alfalfa in any form (herbal tea, sprouts, etc.)
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
- General Lupus:
agar, alum, alumn, ant-c, arg-n, ARS, ars-i, bar-c, bell, calc, carb-ac, carb-v, caust, cic, cist, graph, hep, hydrc, kali-ar, kali-bi, kali-c, kali-chl, kali-s, kreos, lach, LYC, nat-m, NIT-AC, phyt, psor, rhus-t, sabin, sep sil, staph, THUJ
Lupus, erythematosus:
apis, cist, hydrc, kali-bi, phos, thyr
Lupus, face:
alumn, arg-n, ARS, aur-i, aur-m, carb-ac, carb-v, caust, HYDR, kali-ar, kali-bi, kreos, lach, sep
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here
- Avoid quartz dust, antibiotic allergy, environmental pollution and other xenobiotics
- Stop smoking
- Remove silicon breast implants
- Fasting may be beneficial
Recommended Labs:
- Check for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): CBC with Diff, Blood Chemistry, Urinalysis, CRP, ANA with Reflex, Quantitative Immunoglobulins, Tissue Biopsy
- Rule out acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Hematologist Exam of CBC, Prothrombin Time, Activated Partial Thromboblastin Time, Fibrinogen, Immunophenotyping, Cytogenic and Molecular Diagnosis
- Rule out acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritits: Urinalysis, Streptozyme, Blood Chemistry
- Rule out adrenal insufficiency: Serum ACTH/Cortisol/Aldosterone, Plasma Renin, 24-Hour Urinalysis
- Rule out allergies: IgG Food Allergy Antibody, IgG and IgE Inhalent Allergy Antibody
- Rule out amenorrhea: History, Hormone Panel, Thyroid Panel with TSH, hCG
- Rule out anemia: Blood Chemistry, Iron Deficiency Panel
- Rule out autoimmune and chronic benign neutropenia: Bone Marrow Exam
- Rule out autoimmune hepatitis: SMAs, CBC with Diff, Liver Panel, Blood Chemistry
- Rule out chronic fatigue syndrome: ESR, Adrenal Function, Liver Function, Coxsackie Virus B Titer, HHV6 Titer, C. pneumoniae Titer
- Rule out erythema infectiosum (Fifth Disease): CBC with Diff, Parvovirus B19 Antibody
- Rule out fibromyalgia: History, CRP, ANA
- Rule out Goodpasture's Syndrome: Urinalysis, CBC with Diff, Renal Function, Anti-GBM Titers, Renal Biopsy
- Rule out hematuria: Urinalysis with Culture, Renal Profile, ASO Levels
- Rule out hepatitis B and C: Hepatitis Panel
- Rule out HIV: ELISA, Western Blot
- Rule out infectious arthritis: Joint Fluid Culture
- Rule out Lyme Disease: Western Blot
- Rule out nephrotic syndrome: Urinalysis, CBC with Diff, Renal Function, Anti-GBM Titers, Renal Biopsy
- Rule out occult malignancies: Antimalignant Antibody
- Rule out osteoarthritis: X-Ray
- Rule out other autoimmune disorders: ANA with Reflex
- Rule out pericarditis, viral: CBC with Diff, Blood Chemistry, Nasopharangeal Aspirate and Stool for Virus Isolation, Blood Culture, Chest X-Ray, Echocardiogram
- Rule out pleural effusion: Pleural Fluid Analysis, Chest X-Ray
- Rule out polyarteritis nodosa: CBC with Diff, ESR, CRP, 24-Hour Urine, Creatine Phosphokinase
- Rule out pseudogout: Joint Fluid Aspiration
- Rule out pyelonephritis: Urinalysis, CBC with Diff, Renal Function, Urine Culture, Renal Ultrasound
- Rule out rheumatic fever: CRP, Heart-Reactive Antibodies D8/17, Chest X-Ray, Echocardiogram
- Rule out rheumatoid arthritis: ANA, Rheumatoid Factor
- Rule out serum sickness: CBC with Diff, ESR, Urinalysis, Renal Panel, Quantitative Immunoglobulins
- Rule out system sclerosis: CBC with Diff, Urinalysis, Blood Chemistry, ESR, ANA with Reflex, Quantitative Immunoglobulins
- Rule out thyroid disorders: Thyroid Panel with TSH, Anti-TPO, Thyroid Scan with Radioactive Iodine Uptake
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).