Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a steroid hormone secreted mainly
by the adrenal glands and to a lesser extent by the testes and
Physiologic Therapeutics:
- Blocks the action of cells to divide uncontrollably
- Converts to estrogen and testosterone
- DHEA-S (DHEA's ester) has digitalis-like activity in
- Enhances immune response to viral infections
- Enhances immune system function
- Enhances libido for both men and women
- Fights stress due to an increase in cortisol
- Improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance
- Improves memory
- Increases lean body mass
- May exert an inhibitory effect on bone resorption
- Prevents chemically-induced colon and liver cancers and skin
papillomas in mice studies
- Reduces depression caused by cortisol
- Stimulates bone formation and calcium absorption
Clinical Indications:
- Dosage: 5-25 mg. until DHEA-D levels reach 250 for women and 300 for men
Drug/Nutrient Interaction:
- DHEA may antagonize the effects of cortisol
Adverse Reactions and Toxicity:
- Avoid if patient has hormonally sensitive cancer, including prostate and breast cancers
- Relatively safe
- Rarely in extremely large doses:
Mild hirsutism
Moderate acne
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).