
Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Eliminate foods that cause an allergic response or to which
there is a sensitivity, especially food additives (fast, use an elimination diet, or allergy test to isolate such foods)
- Avoid coffee and other caffeinated beverages
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
- Insomnia after an accident:
- Insomnia in alcoholics:
ars, aven, canni-i, cimic, gels, hyos, nux-v, op, stram, sumb
- Insomnia from anxiety:
acon, agar, alum, ARS, bell, bry, COCC, coff, crot-h, dig, graph, hyos, ign, kali-br, kali-c, kali-i, lach, mag-arct, mag-c, mag-m, merc-c, nat-c, nat-m, nux-v, puls, rhus-t, sabin, sep, sil, sulph, thuj, verat
- Insomnia with difficult breathing:
arg-n, ars, bor, carb-an, cham, chlol, grin, kali-br, kali-c, kali-i, lach, lact, morph, ran-b, stann, syph
- Insomnia after domestic calamity:
- Insomnia in children:
absin, acon, ars, arund, bell, calc, CARC, CHAM, cina, COFF, cypr, hyos, kali-br, mag-m, passi, phos, puls, stict, sulph, tub
- Chronic insomnia:
apis, ars-h, crot-h, cupr-ar, hydr-ac, hyos, LACH, plat, verat
- Insomnia from cramps:
arg-m, CALC, coloc, cupr, mag-p
- Insomnia with depression:
- Insomnia in diabetics:
- Insomnia after drugs:
ars, AVEN, cann-i, chlol, cimic, gels, hyos, mosch, NUX-V, op, sec, sumb
- Insomnia in the elderly:
acon, ars, aur, bar-c, CALC, op, passi, phos, sulph, SYPH
- Insomnia from excitement:
abrot, agar, ambr, anac, arg-n, aur-m, calc, camph, canth, caps, carb-an, CARC, chin, cimic, COFF, dys-co, ferr, gels, hep, HYOS, kali-p, lach, laur, lyc, lyss, mag-aust, mag-c, meph, merc, mez, mosch, nit-ac, NUX-V, op, phos, plat, puls, ran-b, sener, sep, spong, staph, sulph, sul-ac, teucr
- Insomnia aggravated by exertion:
calc, chin, cimic, nux-v, sil
- Insomnia aggravated by mental exertion:
agar, ambr, ARS, aur-m, aven, calc, cocc, coff, ferr, HYOS, ign, kali-br, kali-c, kali-p, lach, lyc, nux-v, ph-ac, pic-ac, sil
- Insomnia aggravated by exhaustion:
aven, chlol. coca, cocc, coff
- Insomnia from excessive mental and physical fatigue:
carc, chlol, chol, cocc, gels
- Insomnia from fear:
ACON, alum, am-c, arn, ars, bell, bry, calc, carb-v, caust, cham, cocc, coff, dig, graph, hyos, ign, kali-c, laur, lyc, mag-c, mag-m, merc, merc-c, nat-m, nit-ac, nux-v, PHOS, puls, ran-s, rhus-t, sep, sil, sulph
- Insomnia in gout:
- Insomnia from grief:
aur, gels, graph, IGN, kali-br, lach, NAT-M, sulph
- Insomnia during menopause:
acon, arn, bell, cimic, cocc, coff, dig, gels, kali-br, senec, sulph, valer, zinc
- Insomnia during menses:
agar, am-c, cimic, eupi, gent-c, ign, mag-m, nat-m, senec, sep
- Insomnia after mental exertion:
agar, aur-m, ambr, ARS, coff, ferr, HYOS, ign, kali-br, kali-c, kali-p, lach, lyc, nux-v, passi, ph-ac, pic-ac
- Insomnia at 1 am:
- Insomnia 1-2 am:
- Insomnia 1-3 am:
- Insomnia 1-4 am:
- Insomnia 1:30-2:30 am:
- Insomnia at 2 am:
- Insomnia 2-3 am:
arn, bapt, calc, calc-p, gink-b, kali-c, mag-m, merc
- Insomnia 2-4 am:
am-c, am-m, arist-cl, merc, ph-ac
- Insomnia 2-5 am:
arist-cl, bell, bor, chloram, sulph
- Insomnia until 2:30 am:
- Insomnia at 3 am:
am-m, ars, aur, bry, chin, chin-a, com, euphr, eupi, mag-c, merc, mez, mill, nat-p, ran-s, rhus-t, sil
- Insomnia 3-4 am:
arist-cl, chel, nux-v, rib-ac
- Insomnia 3-5 am:
arist-cl, bell-p, calc-f, cob-n, man
- Insomnia at 4 am:
acon-c, aloe, am-c, bor, cocc, cupr-s, nit-ac, tarent
- Insomnia 4-6:30 am:
- Insomnia after 4:30 am:
- Insomnia after 5 am:
- Insomnia from pains:
acon, ars, arum-t, aur, bufo, cann-i, CHAM, cimic, coloc, dol, eup-per, eupi, ferr-p, iris, kreos, lach, mag-c, mag-m, merc, passi, phyt, plb, ptel, puls, rhus-t, sin-n, stram, sulph
- Insomnia after retiring but sleepy before retiring:
- Insomnia from sadness:
AUR, ign, kali-br, kali-c, nat-m, thuj
- Insomnia from twitching of the limbs:
ambr, alum, arg-n, ARS, bell, calc, canth, carb-v, carc, cham, cypr, ign, kali-c, lyc, merc-c, nat-m, op, PULS, rhus-t, sel, sep, stront-c, sulph, tab, valer
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here.)
- Exercise: 15 min. per day for 3 weeks; then 20 min. per day, primarily in the afternoon
- Early morning exposure to full-spectrum, bright lights
- Engage in relaxation techniques such as massage, warm drinks and soothing musical tapes prior to bedtime
- Avoid organic solvents and pesticides
- Chelate excess lead using EDTA or vitamin C
- Quit smoking
Recommended Labs:
- Rule out heavy metal poisoning: Hair Analysis
- Rule out Addison Disease: Rapid ACTH Stimulation
- Rule out anorexia: History
- Rule out asthma: Pulmonary Function, Sputum for Eosinophils
- Rule out bipolar disease (manic phase): History, Self Assessment for Bipolar Disorder
- Rule out COPD: Arterial Blood Gases
- Rule out Cushing's Disease: Dexamethasone Suppression
- Rule out depression: History
- Rule out headache: History
- Rule out occult malignancies: Antimalignant Antibody
- Rule out osteoarthritis: X-Ray
- Rule out Parkinsons Disease: PET Scan, SPECT
- Rule out prescription medications: History, Drug Reference Information Analysis
- Rule out post-traumatic stress disorder: History
- Rule out restless leg syndrome: History
- Rule out rheumatoid arthritis: ANA, Rheumatoid Factor
- Rule out schizophrenia: History
- Rule out substance abuse: History, Drug Screen, Blood Chemistry
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).